

The general guide to store and assembly the Captain's Swing


1. The general term for the storage.
If you don’t want to install the product immediately after having received it, you have to store it on a plane surface under the waterproof cover- so the product is protected against different weather conditions such as humidity and sunshine.

2. The timber as a natural material.
Timber as natural material acts differently due to weather conditions – there may occure cracks on long hot weather periods and on rainy periods the cracks are shrinking – that does not influence material durability. But if you take care of Captain’s swing wooden parts, then you will enjoy the swing for years. After being processed with a preservative the wood can have some slight shade differences, but that does not affect the timber’s durability.

3. The circumstances stated to void complaints:
Wood shade differences – it does not affect timber durability. Claims about material will not be accepted if they occur because the product has been left untreated OR if they occur after processing (for example: painting is not made the way as paint producer describes).
Subsequent complaints – improper installation by the customer and due to that broking Captain’s Grill (for example: due to improper foundation) – are not accepted.
Also cracks which are not through the material would not affect the material durability and are not accepted as a complaint.

4. Documentation:
The Assembly instructions with the specification of the details of the Captain’s Grill.

5. NB!:
The manufacturer has rights to make tecgnical changes.


1. Check the set:
Please check immediately after opening the package and before assembly all the set, use the assembly instructions and the details list that you have received to be sure that you have a complete and undamaged product!

2. Processing the product.
To maximise your product’s life, you should give at least 1 layer of paint (or other wood preservative) before assembly. 2 months after assembly you should add an extra layer of paint, after which our customer should act so as wood preservative producer suggests. NB! Even if the purchased Captain’s swing is already painted, we suggest to add one extra layer of paint on the first year, to ensure the product would be prodected the best way and stays beautiful. Processing the Captain’s Grill helps to protect wooden parts against weather factors such as sunshine (UV) and rain (molding oppurtunity). We recommend air-permeable wood protective preservatives to protect the wood well. Sternoberg OÜ uses Remmers HK Lasur products.

3. The roof
The roof of the Captain’s Grill is made of spruce. As the roof is made up of boards then it may let some water through because of the knots. To avoid this situation, we are suggesting to mark those spots and later, when the roof is dry to treat the those spots under the roof with waterproof silicone.

4. Foundation
In the set of Captain’s Grill are added also beton posts, which are including thread bar. To getting the best swinging experience, we are suggesting to check every spring that Your swing is even (use leveller to checking), and if needed, please use 27 cm key to adjust swing’s leg level (turn the nut from the thread bar)


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